Best Plants For Your Patio

No matter where you live, you want to make the most of the good weather days.

To find the right plant for your conditions, observe how much direct sunlight your patio gets at different times of day: Full sun means more than six hours and part sun is about half that. Full shade means your patio gets less than an hour or two of sun, or only a little morning sun. No matter how much you fall in love with a plant, consider its needs first before buying it: Shade lovers can’t handle the heat, and sun lovers never perform well in the shade. Before buying shrubs and perennials, which return every year, check your USDA Hardiness zone (find yours here) to determine if the plant can survive winter in your region. See our favorite annuals, perennials, and shrubs to add pizzazz to any patio.

1. Mandevilla

Mandevilla is a gorgeous flowering vine that requires a trellis. It blooms all season long with little care, and you can bring it in for winter in cold climates when the nighttime temperatures go below 50 degrees. Full disclosure: It is a little messy indoors, because it will drop leaves and flowers with the lower light levels. It likes full sun, though it benefits from afternoon shade in the hottest climates.


2. Marigolds

There’s a reason these sturdy annuals have been popular for decades: They thrive on neglect! Marigolds come in bright colors, including the classic oranges and yellows, but new varieties are available in creamy white. They take the heat, last until a hard freeze, and look good in beds or containers without any effort from you. Give them full sun.


3. Lavender

Lavender has beautiful purple spikes and silvery foliage; it’s drought-tolerant once established. Give it full sun, and plant a variety that will survive in your hardiness zone so it returns next year. Edge your patio with it, or plant it near seating areas so you can enjoy its classic scent.


4. Fuchsia

Got shade? Fuchsia thrives in full shade. This stunning annual comes in saturated tones of red, purple, and pink. It looks best in containers or baskets. Hummingbirds adore this plant, too. This plant is best purchased at a local nursery, as its delicate nature makes it difficult to ship intact or germinate from seed.


5. Ornamental Grasses

Look for short varieties to add architectural interest to pots; tall types offer great screening if used to edge the patio in ground or in pots. Most are perennial, but read the tag to be sure. Most need full sun.


6. Hydrangea

This stunning shrub comes in many different sizes and types. Hydrangea’s blooms appear in early to mid-summer and last until a hard freeze, and they’re extremely easy to dry for floral arrangements or wreaths. Most types need some sun to flower best, but they like afternoon shade in the hottest climates. Make sure to plant one that is suited to your hardiness zone.


7. Lobelia

Blue, purple, or white lobelia looks wonderful in baskets or mixed containers. This annual needs mostly shade, though it will tolerate a little morning sun. It blooms best in cool weather, so if it starts to look ragged in mid-summer, trim it back and it should rebound in fall.


8. Succulents

For a sunny patio, succulents are a fun option! They come in hundreds of sizes, shapes, and colors and require almost nothing from you. Some are cold-hardy and will survive winter, but, if not, you certainly can dig a few up and pot to bring indoors to enjoy on a sunny windowsill.


9. Torenia

The pretty purple, pink, or white blooms of this plant attract pollinators, and they last all the way to frost. Torenia are lovely cascading from pots on a shady patio. Some have a slightly grape-like scent.


10. Roses

Every garden needs at least one rose! Shrub, or landscape, types are not as fussy as you may think, and they bloom from early summer to a hard freeze. There’s an array of varieties, so read the tag and look for those that will survive in your hardiness zone. They bloom best in full sun.
